

You are like a drop that covers me
You are a drop of the sea, which passes without touching…
without penetrating.
You are a drop of blood that flows from my eyes
when you are away
You are a drop of gold
when you are by my side
You are a drop of honey
when your lip meets mine
You are a drop of color
every time you smile at me
You are a hot drop
When I am in your arms
You are a drop of ink
when you write to me I love you
You are and will always be a drop inside my love.

Published in the XII Meeting of Poets in the Barcelona Network: Antología Poética.


On my knees,
I will write with my tongue the word desire
on your moist cleft…
I will caress your bristling breasts
while you tremble…
I will rub your lips slowly
with my salivating fingers…
I will catch your body between my legs,
gently penetrating your soul,
burning from within.

Published in the book Erotismo Poético II – Poesía. Diversidad Literaria

My words are simple steps towards feelings